Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Everybody Wins!!!

Today was the big site meeting down at Martindale Pond on Henley Island about the access problems. As it turns out the rowing corporation does want to work together and everyone seems to have come to a great compromise in principle. There are some details to be ironed out and everything will not be in place this year, but hopefully by spring things will be all worked out.

There was representation for the city there in the way of two councillors and parks management as well as representation from the rowing corporation and various recreational groups. The corporation has suggested that they give us an area more south east of where we have been launching. This would mean that a new fence has to be built further down the island, some grading would have to be done, and a small dock put in. It sounds as though the corporation has a dock that they would be willing to contribute, and the city is going to try and support by building the fence and doing the grading.

The first step will be figuring out the expense of it all, and figuring out if the city needs to budget the expense or if it is something that can be done relatively low cost without having to go to committee.

The corporation also wants to develop more of a relationship with the recreational users and would like to see an official organization representing us at the table.

There is a lot of work to be done moving forward, but there is good positive progress being made. Of course all these proposal are tentative and need to get passed by the corporations board and city council, but everyone there seemed to be in full support. This is a great day for everyone involved!

We may also be looking to do some fundraising to ensure that this can get built, so keep your ear to the ground.

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